In the good old days, poker players would gamble with whatever they could in a game of poker. An example of them was the ‘nuts’, which means exactly nuts we tight. The nuts, necessary for the carts, were of great importance, so you can already deduce the importance of having ‘nuts’ in poker.
Over time, this term has caught on, which is why it continues to be used in a popular way in poker games. However, these days it’s a completely different term with an entirely different meaning. With that said, below you will find what is the nuts in poker and how important they are. So, let’s get started.
What Exactly is Nuts in Poker?
If you are new to the world of poker and you begin to hear the popular vocabulary of the game, you are probably wondering… what are the ‘nuts’ in poker? Flat and short, the ‘nuts’ are the best play possible on one hand. That is to say, a hand that yes or yes will lead us to victory and take the pot, or in the worst case to a ‘split pot’ or divided pot. Not to be confused with simply having a very good hand. Although when it comes to playing there are many similarities in having the ‘nuts’ of poker or a good hand, they are not exactly the same. And don’t confuse having some “semi-nuts” with simply a good linked play. Next, we will see the best strategy to play when you have a nut in your hand.
How to Play Nuts
When you have ‘nuts’ at a poker table and nothing will take them away from you, it is interesting to keep the maximum opponents in the hand, while we swell the pot. But always in this order, because if we scare our rivals the pot will be truncated. In this case, it is interesting to hide that winning hand so that the rivals believe that they have options to win, being one of the best options for this is the ‘check-call’.
It is very different when we have the ‘nuts’, but with options to lose them. In this case, we are interested in extracting value from them but scaring away rivals with projects. It can give new players some vertigo, but if we have an AA couple and we suspect that the rival may be close to a project, it is convenient to leave him out. To do this, we will bet big with the aim of remaining in the hand as unprofitable as possible.
Poker in a “Nut” Shell
In the end, it’s pretty straightforward. If you have a nut hand, the game is yours and there is no way anyone can beat you. The only concern you should have is how you can identify nuts and play them smartly to win higher amounts. Hold your cards and make your opponents believe they have a chance to win. Once they are all in, through the nuts on the table and win big.